Dr. Mihir Shah's interview with the Melanoma Research Foundation

Good morning Cleveland and welcome to our virtual miles for melanoma celebration ceremony. We are so sad that we are not there with you today in Edgewater park. Last year was such an amazing event and we had so many people and we’re really, really, sad that we’re not there, but today we are so happy to be able to gather together virtually and to celebrate and to raise money for the melanoma research foundation. So thank you all for joining us virtually this morning and gathering together and forming your teams. The MRF has helped to advance research for the last 25 years and we wouldn’t be here today without the many people from all over the country raising money for research and helping us advance towards a cure, so thank you. To date the MRF is granted over 18 million dollars in research grants that’s to institutions across the United States in cutaneous aqua acryl ocular mucosal and paediatric melanoma. We’ve also hosted over 200 patient symposia and those patient symposia are held at academic centres all over the country. We’ve also trained thousands of advocates to advocate on issues that are important and that impact the melanoma community. So today we hope you’re getting out there and walking or running or doing something active to help and benefit the melanoma community. We want you guys to reach your goal. We were so amazed by the Cleveland community that even in this virtual world, we have been able to raise money to band together and to see really the local community come together and support each other. So the goal is to raise 50 000 Dollars and as of right now you guys are 62 percent to your goal which is absolutely amazing. We know in this virtual environment how tough it is to raise money. So that really speaks to the dedication of the Cleveland community and we are so incredibly grateful to you all. So, we now like to thank our sponsors these are the people that have really helped invest in this event and I’d like to really first start with our national sponsors. So, to start off I’d like to thank our national partner Novartis. Novartis has been a wonderful partner to us and has sponsored all of the national miles for melanoma events. So, we’re very grateful for their support. We’d like to thank our national prevention partner Neutrogena. So those of you who participated in our may event may have won the Neutrogena swag bag for raising money and our national apparel partner Hula bar and for those of you who know that if you raise a hundred dollars you get this amazing UPF 50 coulee bar shirt which is beautiful the colour is stunning. So hopefully you all raise a hundred dollars and get one of those shirts and now I would like to pass the baton over to Michelle Rivard. Michelle is our wonderful partner at coulee bar she is the manager of strategic partnerships and public relations. She’s going to talk a little bit more about the partnership with the MRF Michelle?
Hi everyone thanks kylie, hi Cleveland as you may or may not know Hula bar is actually the maker of some protection that you wear so we make UPF 50 plus sun protection to make sure that 98 percent of all UVA, UVB rays are blocked. So, you’re out you’re safe you’re comfortable you’re protected because it’s our mission to keep the world safe from sun damage and protect those who suffer from a sun-related medical condition and prevent everyone else from developing one, and that’s our mission because a lot of us have also been impacted by melanoma or skin cancer and so we live and breathe the mission every day. So, we are all about protecting our Hula bar family and protecting all of you and we are so psyched that the MRF has made us their official apparel partner and we will be sending some miles melanoma shirts out to all of you who have registered or raised over a hundred dollars. Good job, our warehouse is actually psyched and ready to start shipping to all of you and we’re here for you if you need us. Thanks all.
Thanks Michelle and thanks again to Hula bar these shirts are awesome so hopefully you guys will all be wearing one and showing your support in the local community. So now I have the great pleasure of thanking our local sponsors and if you attended the event last year, you would have seen all of the tents and all of the local supporters that were out again supporting the Cleveland community and most importantly the melanoma community. So, I’d like to start off by thanking our strength sponsor OG designs and welcome our friend and advocate Christine grieves to share a little bit more about why getting involved is so important to her in supporting this event, Christine?
Is and I really like that they focused on medical research and treatment and I knew this could benefit grace so for the next two years my sister focused her care on grace. In 2017 she wanted to do more and so decided to create team grace and participate in the Columbus miles from melanoma because it was not here in Cleveland. So she did an amazing job raising almost 20 000 Dollars and the goal the goal for the event was approximately 30 000. So she raised two thirds of that money and then in 2018 she decided she wanted to bring it to Cleveland and share the event. So she asked me along with some other family and friends to be on the committee and of course we said yes and wanted to support her. So our bowl was set at 40 000 Dollars well you know my sister she’s going to surpass that and she did she raised 92 000 Dollars that first year and she’s never done this before. So it was a great privilege to be a corporate sponsor for the past three years and also on the committee and what could be better than working with your sister, side by side showing my support for her and also for support for an organization that I think does make a difference. So on that note I think it’s the little things that make all the difference like wearing sunscreen which we won’t need today anyways thank you. Have fun and be safe everyone
Thank you Christine thank you for sharing your story and thank you for your amazing work on the committee. You and Patty and the rest of the committee have done such an incredible job and have brought so much awareness to the Cleveland area and like you said the most important part is raising money for research that could lead to better treatments and one day a cure. So we couldn’t do this without you and we’re so grateful. I now have the privilege of introducing strength sponsor north star advisory group. They have supported this event and we have would like to welcome Mark Candis who is the president of north star to share a few words with us again thank you so much for your support and please welcome Mark
Good morning everybody we really appreciate you coming out this morning from either home or if you’re all the way down by the water there Patty we’re getting soaked out here so you guys are very a little bit better than we are. We’ve had the pleasure of being involved in this event for the past three years. We work really closely with Patty with our offices and you know I think to spend our time it’s really important to understand what we get to see behind the scenes of all the work that Patty’s done, day in and day out. Prepping fundraising calling networking meetings in the evenings. It’s a tremendous Endeavor that she’s taken on on her shoulders for the past few years. So it really has been our pleasure to help support in many ways our company is disappointed we weren’t able to bring out a team this year to be able to participate like we have in the past. So to be able to continue our support this year and into the future is the least that we can do for this tremendous event and everything that you guys collectively as a group have done it will continue to do going forward. Even for our family is a fun thing right now with quarantine and not being able to participate we’re even doing a family Olympics at the house this weekend and over the next couple weeks of all kinds of events both outside and even our opening day ceremony got rained out yesterday. So now you know we’re postponing that and making do and doing things inside while we can so as the 2020 Olympics are cancelled our opening ceremony is cancelled, everything’s being shifted around and yet everybody’s still figuring out a way to survive and thrive and do well. So kudos to everybody that’s done this you know somebody’s going to have big shoes to fill when Patty starts to, to, move on and starts to move more towards the mentoring position and we really appreciate all your work Patty that you’ve done and, and, thank you very much to the bottom of our heart and everybody that’s here today to participate thank you thank you
Mark and I love the idea of the family Olympics, that’s awesome. Thank You. So now I have the pleasure of introducing the chair of this year’s event who’s also chaired last year’s event and really brought this event to the Cleveland area as you heard Christine share earlier, Patty Popel has been an incredible advocate for the melanoma research foundation. She has really been able to reach such a wider audience of people and gain support and raise critical dollars for research and when this event came to Cleveland, we really had no idea the amount it would raise and Patty has been a driving force in really galvanizing the community bringing people together increasing awareness increasing support and really providing more support for melanoma patients and caregivers in the area just by sharing her story and grace’s story. So now I have the distinct pleasure of thanking our hope sponsor Hellman Moses Seaford and Hartstein and introducing you to this year’s chair Patty Popel to share a few more words Patty?
Okay hi kylie thank you so much. It’s my pleasure to be here again this year unfortunately under different circumstances but we’re making it work and you know being a part of the firm that I work for kelm and Moses Seaford and Hartstein who are all the owners are all friends of mine, we kind of came up together in another firm and I joined them you know i’ve been with them for what 15 years 14 years now, and they’re I call them friends. They’ve known my kids since you know birth and have been you know a strong supporters of my cause and I can’t thank them enough for allowing me you know to do some of the things that i’ve done. So you know kudos to all you guys you know who Jeff Scott Steve Mitch you guys have been amazing and I can’t thank you enough so that’s all I have to say thank you everyone
Thank you, Patty, and thank you for braving the, the, wind and the rain out there in Edgewater park. Looks like gale force winds, thank you again and thank you for increasing awareness and doing all you do to support this event in the Cleveland community. So now I would like to thank our two presenting sponsors. We are so fortunate to have two groups help support this event at such a grand level this year. I’d like to start off by thanking apex dermatology centre for their support. A big thank you to apex dermatology and our second presenting sponsor associates in dermatology. A big thank you to them as well. The dermatologists are so critical for such a critical piece in melanoma and early detection and awareness and we are so thrilled to have so many great dermatologic partners who help us in this battle and if you missed it this week associates in dermatology did an incredible video. It’s posted on the MRF Facebook page on how to do a self-home skin screening. So, checking your skin as you can see I’m wearing my get naked shirt you’ve got to check your skin you have to be aware of skin changes and you have to get to the dermatologist once a year. So, we’re very grateful to associates in dermatology for doing that video for helping create awareness and education and if again if you missed it please go to our Facebook page. It’s so critical right now because a lot of people are not going to the dermatologist because of covid and you really need to be able to check your own skin and be your own advocate. So, with that I would like to turn it over to Doctor Shaw from the associates in dermatology practice to share a few words about their involvement. Doctor Shaw?
Thank you kylie and good morning everyone so my name is Doctor Shaw I’m a fellowship trained male surgeon and a cosmetic dermatologist with associates in dermatology we are a full service dermatology practice in the Cleveland area offering medical cosmetic and surgical dermatology we have offices in Westlake Middlebury heights and Lorraine and we’re extremely excited to be sponsors for this event and help raise awareness for melanoma which is a condition that we deal with daily and as kylie was saying when caught early melanoma can have a great prognosis. However, if the diagnosis is delayed the overall prognosis can become much worse. So, I can’t stress how, how, important it is for everyone to perform a self-skin check at home and then be seen by a dermatologist for a full skin exam if you or a loved one has a family or a personal history of skin cancer or if you notice any new or changing growths. So, with that i’ll turn it back over to kylie and hope that everyone has a great Sunday afternoon
Thank you Doctor Shaw and thank you for helping to support the melanoma community as you said we got to check our own skin we’re our own best advocates so seeing a dermatologist and checking our skin is key so now I would like to introduce Doctor Gregory Delos from apex dermatology centre again a presenting sponsor for this year great supporter we love our dermatologists and appreciate all that they do to create awareness and I’m going to turn it over to Doctor Delos now to say a few words
Good morning everyone as a former runner myself in college and dermatologist now I love what this stands for it’s a combination of a few of my favorite things but I think the best way to kind of sum up what this group is all about is I have a little story about something that happened recently. So one of our dermatologists in the Hudson office Doctor Amy Pollster was at a running shoe store getting ready to buy some shoes with her daughter and the girl that was selling shoes to her had an abnormal spot. So Amy wasn’t working at the time she was off the clock she’s with her daughter but she noticed the spot and it was just totally atypical. So, she got her set up to see me because apparently the patient lived really close to my office. So we got her in next couple days did the biopsy and we made the diagnosis of melanoma and then after that we were able to get her over to our surgeon Doctor Garcia to get things taken care of but what’s interesting is with this whole story is that you know as a dermatologist or even just a patient like, we don’t work like a eight to five hour or anything like that so it’s like we’re always kind of like on call and it’s really important in the world if you see someone just walking around with anything abnormal, they’re pointing out to them and be a good Samaritan so for our patient going back to her coming full circle, it’s really interesting she actually went to my high school we both ran cross country it was just like a lot of things just lined up perfectly for her and then at the end of the day the big thing that determines long-term melanoma prognosis is everyone knows here is how deep it was. So we caught it very early and if we waited a few more months or if she waited a few more months it was like 15 hundredths of a millimetre from being to the point where she would have to worry about lymph node involvement and things like that too. So it’s really important to you know never stop being a clinician and really look out for people in the in the real world too so I’m really proud of our group because we try to take a really team approach for patients and we had three people intervene with this patient and in three months she’s going to be getting married and her long-term prognosis is awesome. So that’s what’s all about
Thank you so much Doctor Delost and big thank you to apex dermatology for all that you guys do to create awareness and to treat patients with compassion and care and we’re so appreciative of you all being involved. So, I’d like to again just thank all of our national and local partners you know without your involvement without your support and really without your advocacy, we would not be able to continue advancing melanoma research supporting newly diagnosed patients and their families and advocating on behalf of the over million melanoma patients in the United States. 1.3 million people are living with melanoma in the US. So all of you play a critical part in that and we are really excited to acknowledge all of your fine efforts for this event and I’m going to pass it over to Lori in a minute and I’m going to go prepare for my run for the day again make sure you log your miles and get your team excited because we can all still exercise like, like, Mark was saying you can have your own at-home Olympics you can do something fun get creative get involved and again we’re really excited to see you all in 2021 Lori?
Thank you, kylie and good morning Cleveland how is, everyone we are so sad we can’t be there like kylie said. We love coming out and seeing all of our communities across the country. So we’re really, really, disappointed but we’re making the best of it seeing you all virtually which is the next best thing my name is Beth Miley and I am the senior development officer with the MRF. I have the extreme pleasure of running the national miles for melanoma program and working with all of our communities like Cleveland nationwide. So, we have been so grateful for all of the wonderful fundraising that our Cleveland teams and individuals have conducted throughout the milestone melanoma season as you heard kylie mentioned earlier they never cease to amaze us and we are just incredibly grateful and always excited to see what Cleveland’s going to do each year. So, this portion of the program is going to be a little bit of fun before we officially kick off the 5k. We are going to announce our top individual fundraisers who have gone above and beyond to meet their fundraising goals and help the MRF continue our mission. So I’m going to start with third place top individual fundraiser and the third place award goes to from team grace Patty Pofel who raised 1 201 Dollar and one dollar can’t forget that one dollar thank you so much Patty we really appreciate it you of course knocked it out of the park and we, we, are just incredibly grateful for all that you do. In second place for our top individual fundraiser is from team Keith’s crusaders Rachel Rosen. Rachel raised 1 460 so rachel you are knocked it out of the park as well. Great job thank you so, so, much we really appreciate it and in first place for top individual fundraising this lady really went at it the last 48 hours because her totals just searched is from team Lindholm Tara Lindholm who raised 1 500 and 1 dollar. That one dollar is really popular apparently in Cleveland this year so Tara great job you’re our top individual fundraiser for Cleveland that was amazing. Now we’re going to move on to our team fundraisers so our teams are generally folks that come together in honor or in memory or to separate someone in the melanoma community and there are groups of folks in the Cleveland community or this year you can actually be from anywhere in the world and join a team which is I guess the silver lining of covid so our third place team is team Lindholm led by team captain Tara Lindholm and as a team they raised 1885 Dollars. So great job team Lindholm and Tara you can under is also on the Cleveland event committee so you can catch her story on our Facebook page. She has a special appearance by her pup betty with her so she is a really great story so you will want to check that out. In second place is team Keith’s crusaders led by team captain Rachel Rosen and this team raised two thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven dollars. So great job Keith’s crusaders again great place on the Cleveland committee and you can catch up catch our story on our Facebook page too it was featured earlier this week but we are so grateful to Rachel and the members of team Keith’s crusaders who come out each year to walk in memory of Keith so great job everyone thank you all so, so, much all right so this portion of the program is usually where we do a virtual drum roll and yes I know if you’re doing it so please do a virtual drum roll along with me because we’re going to announce our first place team and this total is just absolutely amazing. The first-place team who are reclaiming their first, first, place prize for the third year in a row with the total of ten thousand eight hundred and three dollars is team grace led by team captain Patty Poefl. So, I’m going to clap and I know you’re all clapping and along with me we just can’t thank team grace and Patty enough. You guys are absolutely dedicated members of the Cleveland community as everyone has heard throughout this ceremony this morning. So, we can’t I mean that the total is amazing you guys so far are the top fundraising team for miles from melanoma 2020. 0So, you know a little competition’s going to happen but thank you guys all so much it was absolutely amazing we can’t thank all of our fundraisers enough who have made such an amazing impact in funding critical research. So now we’re going to announce the winners of two of our chance to win drawings that we’re running this week. First, we are thrilled to announce the winner of a basket of sun sunscreen sun care goodies cola Neutrogena products and MRF products were in there and the winner of this basket is Cindy Fairchild. So, Cindy thank you so much for purchasing some chance to win your winner of this basket and we will make sure we get that to you within the next week, and our next basket was a font leather purse that was donated and the winner of this basket is Amy Kulick. So, Amy congratulations you have a lovely gift coming your way. I had my eye on it as well so we are very happy that you won that purse and its great fall purse so it’s something to look forward to this fall. So, congratulations to both of the winners and thank you so much to everyone who supported this addition to our miles from melanoma program this year. As you are walking and running today, please be sure to print out and share why you’re walking happening with our miles for melanoma I walk for graphic. Also please make sure you print out your virtual bib and track your miles with all of us on the Cleveland miles for melanoma page and we will be announcing our top runners on a via email on Monday. So, as we continue to socially distance, please watch our social media pages for more announcements and ways to get involved with the MRF. We will be posting about my virtual events and educational webinars within the coming weeks and months and if you’re interested in participating in a milestone melanoma event albeit virtually, please visit melanoma.org slash miles to see if we are virtually visiting a city near you as I mentioned earlier the great thing, I guess about this is the silver lining, is that anyone from all over from the entire world can participate in miles from melanoma. So, your family members perhaps that might not have gotten to actually come to Cleveland or the twin cities or Memphis some of the cities that are coming up this month. They can still participate in a virtual capacity and join you on your team. So now we are going to get ready to kick off the 5k and it is my pleasure to introduce again a wonderful melanoma advocate chair of the miles from Illinois Cleveland committee Patty Poefl she is going to share her family’s inspirational story with melanoma and patty and some of the members of team grace are live at Edgewater Park so they’re also going to officially kick off the 5k for us. Patty over to you thanks so much
Thank you Lori first I wanted to thank all the sponsors Hula bar you have amazing products Novartis made some of the drugs that you know kept my daughter alive and you know I can’t thank them enough and you know our sponsors locally KMSH who I work for thank you thank you, my sister Chris OHG design thank you the dermatologist groups apex and associates in dermatology, dermatology, can’t thank you enough for coming on you are the first line you know in finding and spotting melanoma and again I can’t thank you enough north star thank you mark you’ve been a great supporter. So, our story began when my daughter was 12 years old had them all in her hairline and had it removed and you know told us that it was you know she had surgery they removed it down to I think the fascia at the time but the doctors weren’t concerned they never brought up melanoma. So, you know jump, we had to get her checked periodically for three years. She was given the clear jumped forward ten years she’s graduating from college and we find out that she has stage four melanoma and she had metastases throughout her body also in the brain had a couple of surgeries and, and, then got her in a situation where she was able to you know take targeted therapy drugs to reduce all the tumours in her body and then get her stabilized you know and, and, start the immunotherapy so she’s with us still today you know we’ll be celebrating five years in October and you know she’s dealing with some health issues but there are autoimmune issues that have been brought on by some of the drugs but you know i’m, i’m, blessed that she’s here and my cause is you know is passionate about you know helping other people you know to you know maybe get a skin check you know take the first step because as a you know I don’t think back in the day you know 13 years ago you know or you know it was 15 years ago. I’m not sure that they would have you know they were looking for it in a child. So, I think it’s really important too for children to get checked at a young age if there’s anything that’s suspicious you know take them and get them checked at the dermatologist. It really is the first line of defence against this disease so thank you thank you everybody. I’m proud to represent Cleveland and all of my sponsors I can’t thank you enough and all the MRF folks thank you and I guess we’re going to start our walk in a little bit and i’ll film that and post it up to the site and there’s a group of us so we’re excited thank you.
Dr. Karen Turgeon's interview with the Melanoma Research Foundation

Hi my name is Patty Poefl and I am chair of this year’s miles for melanoma virtual Cleveland event and I’m here with one of our sponsors Doctor Turjan from associates in dermatology and she is going to talk to us a little bit about how to conduct a skin check self-skin check and a little bit about what the, what effects COVID has had on seeing patients with different skin cancers and melanoma hi Doctor Turjan.
Hello thank you very much for including me and we’re very passionate about this everything with melanoma and trying to prevent melanoma. So, one of the number one things that people can do to help catch detect melanoma early would be a self-skin exam and we’re recommending that everybody whether they’ve had melanoma skin cancer or not do a self-skin exam every month. So, what we usually recommend is that you get in your birthday suit and it’s helpful to have a hand mirror because there are places in your body that you can’t see. Ninety percent of melanomas are from the sun but that means there’s ten percent of melanomas that are not so we need to look at sun exposed areas and non-sun-exposed areas. So we recommend usually we just start from top to bottom and it’s very hard to look in your scalp, so you may even want someone to help you look in your scalp because that’s an area that you can have a melanoma and not notice it obviously, you know check the face check on down to the to the front of your body and even check the soles of your feet because melanoma can occur in the toenails and between the toes and on the bottoms of your feet which a lot of people don’t realize and then you’ll probably need a hand mirror and maybe another wall mirror to check the back or even have a loved one help you look at your back and the backs of your legs and sometimes even in the private areas because it can occur there as well it’s not as common but it is an area that needs to be checked. So, what you’re looking for is with melanoma and we usually have the ABCD criteria of melanoma and they’ve added an e recently as well so a is for asymmetry so you look for an asymmetrical lesion. Most normal moles are round or oval melanomas often have an asymmetry they’re sort of lopsided B is for border so usually a normal mole will have a nice even border whereas melanoma often has a scalloped border or almost like a flower or some kind of irregularity to the border. C is colour, most melanomas will have more than one colour of brown usually maybe a light brown a medium brown a dark brown a reddish brown or even a white area. Sometimes there’s areas that where it’s involuting so you might see white or black sometimes they even say red white and blue which is not as common but you any irregularity in the colour of your lesion if it’s not all one colour brown we get a little concerned. D is diameter and that’s not an absolute obviously there are melanomas that are smaller you know you can have a two- or three-millimetre melanoma but usually the cut-off for melanoma we’ll see is five to six millimetres which is about the diameter of the eraser of a pencil. So, if you have a mole that’s bigger than that that’s another suspicious lesion and then E is emerging or evolving. So emerging meaning if you have a new mole that can be suspicious or an evolving mole meaning a changing mole if it’s bleeding growing something like that. So, any one of those criteria alone isn’t usually enough to make the diagnosis of melanoma but if you have several of those together that’s definitely a suspicious lesion
I love it
Oh, go ahead
I love that you brought up the fact about checking the scalp because my daughter grace who’s now 28 at 12, they we had a mole in her hairline. So it wasn’t anything that was prominent she you know showed it to me and you know it ended up being nothing at the time because that’s another question I was going to ask you about are you seeing more children presenting with melanoma because you know 10, 12 years ago when she had this mole, they were basically kind of brushed it off and that it was nothing and here, here, we are you know 10 years later and she’s you know stage four. So yeah
Yeah, melanoma in children is has not traditionally been common but we are seeing more melanomas in children they can be fairly aggressive and yeah, a lot of times parents physicians don’t take it seriously because they think okay can’t get it but we’re seeing more in children especially teenagers with tanning booths which we are very against but we’re seeing more melanomas in that age group wow okay
So how do you feel about today’s crazy world with medical treatments and seeing patients with the whole covid pandemic. I wanted you to talk a little bit about that
Well COVID is definitely something to be taken seriously and we at associates of dermatology you know are very careful we screen all our patients with temperatures as well as history of anybody they’ve been exposed to, everybody in the office wears a mask every patient is asked to wear a mask and we sanitize the rooms carefully and allow 10 minutes in between patients. We don’t allow people in the waiting room so all the craig all the different criteria and that you’re supposed to do we are careful with that. You know we don’t want people to neglect their skin and their medical issues because of COVID even though COVID is very serious melanoma is very serious and you would hate to have a melanoma go undiagnosed and, and, that can be life-threatening. So, we do encourage we do offer tele dermatology at associates in dermatology. Very often if it’s a suspicious lesion that we see we’ll ask the patient to come in and have a look in person and or have a biopsy and you know biopsies are the, the, only way you can really diagnose a melanoma so we you know we would be very careful about hygiene and, and, medical safety but we would we definitely are still doing biopsies we are still diagnosing skin cancers and we can definitely treat them as well excisions take a little longer but as long as everybody’s careful I you know it’s I think it’s still very important to be aware of your skin and to not neglect something that might be suspicious
Right, right, well is there anything else you’d like to add?
Well, you know as I said 90 percent of melanomas are from the sun so the number one thing, we can do to help prevent melanoma is to avoid the sun we recommend a broad spectrum sunscreen. We recommend reapplying it every two hours recommend a water-resistant sunscreen no sunscreen is 100 percent effective you know the, the, best sunscreen out there is maybe 97 percent effective so we are recommending sun protective clothing wearing hats wearing sunglasses and seeking out the shade whenever you can. I’m not spending all day in the sun all of these are, are, helpful things to prevent melanoma and then early detection of course I mean it can be 100 percent curable if you can detect it early so do the self-skin exams and come to your dermatologist if you see something questionable. Don’t wait to see what it’s going to do just, just, come in have us take a look it’s very simple and easy to do a biopsy and it could save your life.
Definitely, definitely, thank you so much for doing this today. I appreciate you so much and again associates in dermatology Doctor Turjan one of our sponsors for this year’s event welcome and I hope to see all of you guys Sunday walking. We have some great things lined up this week too if you can get some of the folks in your office to participate and, and, thank you
Thank you we’re very excited for all you’re doing and best of luck with your event
Thank you
And we’re happy to be sponsors and we’re, we’re, very passionate about the cause good thank you so much and you have a great day thank you too okay bye, bye.