Our New Location

Associates in Dermatology: 2205 Crocker Rd. Suite 109. Westlake OH. 44145

We are located on the east side of Crocker Rd, across the street from Crocker Park.

I-90 Crocker/Bassett Rd exit: Head south on Crocker Rd. You will pass PNC Bank and the Rosewood Grill on the left-hand side. Make a left on Corporate Circle. You will head straight back Corporate Circle passing the Verizon building on your right-hand side. You will pass Clear Choice Dental on your right-hand side. You will follow the turn to the right and Associates in Dermatology will be straight ahead. You will see our sign at the entrance.

I-480 Stearns Rd exit: Head north on Stearns Road. Stearns Rd will turn into Crocker Rd. You will continue straight on Crocker Rd. You will pass Devon Oaks Assisted Living on your right-hand side a few miles down. Make a right on Corporate Circle. You will head straight back Corporate Circle passing the Verizon building on your right-hand side. You will then pass Clear Choice Dental on your right-hand side. You will follow the turn to the right and Associates in Dermatology will be straight ahead. You will see our sign at the entrance.


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